Sunday, March 30, 2008

Going to the beach

I took Bekah to the beach the other day. It was a little cool but so pretty out there. We hung out in a little make shift fort. Bekah loved the sand so much. Here she is looking out at the ocean.

Snacks covered in sand are really yummy. Bekah kept trying to walk with her cracker in her hand. She would fall down and it would get covered in sand. Then she would eat it if mommy didn't feed it to the seagull quick enough.

When we arrived at the beach, Bekah got a foot off the parking lot and was enthralled with the sand. It took some work to get her to the ocean. Once there she picked up handfuls of sand and threw them on the logs and on my jeans too.

Bekah rested on the blanket for 2.57 seconds. Such a busy girl can't be stopped to rest.

So tired out.


  1. Looks like tons of fun!!!!! Just think - in not that long you can chase two of them at the beach :):) Hope you are feeling good! See you sometime soon! Maybe we can get together when Jeremy is gone to New York?

  2. What fun pictures. I'm glad you had that special time with Bekah. I miss the ocean. Feel better!

  3. What fun! Makes me really miss the ocean.

  4. I miss having a beach where people have to *cover up*. [sigh]

    I hope the seagulls got a lot of the snacks... I've chewed enough sand-sprinkled sandwiches to shudder at the thought of sand-covered goldfish!
