Sunday, February 03, 2008

Marine World

Alex got free tickets for Marine world from work. He graciously offered to have us go with them. So on Chris's birthday we spent the afternoon in Marine World. It was cold but fun.

Mommy and Bekah on the tram to the park.

Alex and Elyse.

The Medusa rollercoaster was really fun. We litterally walked right on the first time and waited only 10 min. the second time. It was great. Elyse had only been on Disneyland rollercoasters so this was a really new experience. After doing Medusa twice she decided to stick with Disney's rollercoasters.

Elyse decided not to go on the next coaster so she got pictures of Alex and I on them. Chris watched the babies so we could have fun.

Kong was awesome!!

There was lots of fun characters there. Tweety was our only close encounter.

The sea lions were fun to see. Bekah kept trying to chew on the railing that every one was touching with fish covered hands. EWWWWW!

Chris got to touch a manta ray.

Bekah wasn't too impressed.

We watched the walruses for awhile. They were very friendly with each other and made quite a show.

This is the largest decorated christmas tree in the united states.

All tired out and ready for bed.


  1. Looks like you all had a fun time!

  2. Looks like fun!!! I have a hard time with non-Disney roller coasters these days. I am getting too old or something...LOL>

  3. Looks like a fun day. I'm glad you got to get away and have fun.

  4. i went on medusa for the first time last year...and was scared stiff. I loved it however, and went on two more times! It was the last day of the year, so there was basicly no line. the second time, we didnt even get off, just kept our seats for another ride! Kong is also awesome

  5. I had fun looking at all of the picures. I've been wanting (and trying) to call you all last week. Kristin's here this week, so I'll probably wait until she leaves (Friday) before I call and talk for awhile. Hope you're all happy and healthy.

  6. Cute pics -- looks like a fun day even if the sea life didn't impress Becca :)

    Loved the pics you mailed -- my refrigerator now looks like a shrine to Becca & Taeya. :)
