Monday, January 28, 2008

Such a Busy Girl

That's some wild hair!

She loves playing in Great Grandma Martha's rocking chair is so much fun.

Bekah is a little dare devil. Fortunately it is very difficult to tip it over.

A fun oatmeal drum.

Lots of kisses from daddy.

Fun magnets to play with from Auntie Jennifer.

This is Bekah doing her happy scream.


  1. What a cutie! I love all of the new pictures. Enjoy this age, it goes by so fast. :)

  2. What sweet cute pictures - thanks for sharing - she is growing so fast - but looks like soooooooooo much fun! What happy smiles!

  3. Sarah,
    Bekah sure looks adorable in that red striped outfit. She is growing so fast. I can't wait until I can drive down from Redding to see her again. . .and you and Chris also (ha ha).
    Love, Ompapa Karl

  4. i still think that girl would be a perfect model. I can just see her on a huggies comercial

  5. I have an adorable neice! Thanks for posting pics. I WANT to see you guys!!!!

  6. Oh my goodness -- she looks so old!! I'm glad she's having fun with the magnets -- and hey, they don't make any noise. :)

    So cute -- I'm thinking we need a really good Bekkah fix soon -- when shall we get together? :)
