Monday, January 14, 2008

A Visit From Julie

Julie was my very first friend in California. We met at church in the college group. When we found out that neither of us knew anyone else we became fast friends and have been ever since. We were in each others weddings and were roommates for a long time as well. I have really missed hanging out with Julie and spending time with her since she moved to Kentucky and then to Germany. Ben, Julie and the boys were in California visiting. We had a blast catching up and talking while we had lunch and watched the children play together.

Daniel loves dogs. He got to play with Bailey and had a blast. Daniel even followed our doggy out the doggy door.

Drew hides behind Bekah.


  1. I'm so glad you got to enjoy time together. :) It's awesome catching up with friends. By the way, I LOVE your hair Sarah. It looks so pretty! I really like how you're styling it these days.

  2. I am so glad we got to visit. I hope we don't have to go another 2.5 years before we do so again.

  3. So glad you got to spend time together! It is fun to catch up - I am bummed I missed seeing Julie.

  4. I'm glad you got to see Julie! I miss being able to see old friends. Hopefully in May we can see everyone again.

  5. How fun the roomies got to spend time together again. Julie's boys have grown so much! Looks like everyone had a great time together.
