Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Professional Pictures by Sarah

So Megan, this is my try at professional photos. Babies are so much easier to photograph. . . they actually hold still. These are a few of the good ones I took.

After she got up and ran away again I just decided to photograph the bear. He actually sat still. :o)


  1. Those pictures turned out great Sarah! The talent must run in the family. :) Bekah is so adorable!

  2. Those are adorable! My mom wants copies.

  3. Very cute pictures - great job!

  4. I love those pictures -- I need that last one before she ran off! It's beautiful.
    Oh, the bear did very well too -- good job holding still bear.

  5. Wow! What a great job and what an inspiration.....I have never really try to get those kinds of pics with Ellie. Bekah is so beautiful. I love the picture of her lying her head on the bear :)

  6. Oh, Sarah, you did such a great job with an active little baby. Bekah looks adorable (as always). Glad you tried it! Someday we'll do this with Bekah AND Taeya together!

  7. Sarah,
    I would love the two pics of Bekah with the bear. They are so cute and I would love to add them to my scrapbook. Love, Mom
