Friday, January 04, 2008

Making Cookies

I was making Molasses Sugar Cookies and Bekah was helping me. This is her helping mommy lick out the molasses measuring cup.


Then Bekah helped mommy clean the beaters. She really had fun making cookies.

Bekah thinks that cookie dough is great.


  1. My goodness what a cute great-niece I have! :)

    I saw on Megan's blog that Chris got a job--can't wait to hear more! PTL!

  2. Got to start her baking young! :) Glad she is such a good helper...and a very cute one at that!

  3. Those are cute - what fun!!!!!

  4. Do you remember when we did that in my kitchen. It was so fun. I really miss those days and look forward to the times I get to teach Bekah how to cook! Love Nana
