Friday, January 04, 2008

Bekah's First Hair Cut

Bekah got her first hair cut the other day. I went to a salon near our house and asked if they cut babies hair. The lady got a scared look on her face. I quickly told her we would go somewhere else. The next place I went there was a really nice lady that knew how to cut little ones hair. She was great! Bekah sat on my lap and did really well. She played with a ribbon and looked around. The hair dresser just followed her head and let Bekah do what she wanted. Here are two after the hair cut shots I got.

The lady gave me a little bag to put her hair clippings into for the baby book. I really like how it turned out.

Each day after school my niece's and my nephew come to work on homework. Today, Jessie read her very first book all by herself. Uncle Chris worked with her to sound out the words. It was very exciting.

Brittany-age 14 going on 18.

Jeremy-age 10. He wouldn't smile for the camera because he was upset about having to do his math. After promising him a big cookie I got a smile and the homework finished.

As most of you know Chris has been looking for a job for a month now. We have been praying that God would open up the right position for him and close the doors to those that aren't where God wants him. He has definitely shut some doors and we kept looking for where Chris was supposed to work. I had prayed and asked God to provide enough work for Chris so that we could just make ends meet. On Thursday Chris went in for an interview for Dave Machintosh- he owns a construction company. Chris was hired that day and he started work on Friday. This is not a permanent, long term job but it is exactly what we need. Chris is also looking into the police academy which doesn't start until July. There are a series of tests and interviews that take place over the next couple of months. Please pray that if this is where God wants Chris that he will pass the tests with flying colors and God would open that door. As always God is good, all the time. Whether Chris had a job or not God was always faithful and good to us. Praise God for being so awesome!!


  1. That is so cute with the haircut!!! We will be praying for Chris. That is great he did find something for right now too.

  2. Cute first haircut - - - we miss you all and can't wait to see you :):) That is great Chris has a job - God is definitely good!

  3. She's so cute -- bet you've never heard that before!

    PTL about Chris's job!!

    I could see Chris being in law enforcement -- he's very serious about following the rules!! :)

  4. Chris & Sarah

    So good to hear that Chris has found some opportunities and a beginning job. We understand how big a deal it is to look for new work after doing the same thing for so many years. Go Chris, anyone would be lucky to hire you.

  5. It is so great to see the pictures of Jeremy,Brittany and Jessie. We have not seen them in such a long time and they are growing into great looking kids and I am sure building the character that we would want in all our children. GOD BLESS...
