Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Visiting Colorado was so Fun

Bekah and I flew out to Colorado for a few days to visit my sister Megan. Bekah did well on the two plane flights out there but I was very glad to be done flying with a baby. Megan made friends with Bekah very quickly. She was so cute playing with Bekah and talking baby talk. The first night we walked to the golf course right by her house. We had lots of fun taking pictures by the creek and on the green. Here I was twirling with Bekah.

This was the lawn in front of Megan and Phil's apartment. We let Bekah crawl all over the grass and explore for awhile.

The creek was such a beautiful place to take pictures.

Bekah loved playing with the toys Megan bought for her and for her new baby. She loved the table that talked to her, the plastic shapes and bucket and especially the wooden puzzles. She played with the stuffed tiger and crawled all over it. We had a great time in Colorado.

Stay tuned for more fun pictures.


  1. Very cute pictures - and I am so glad you were able to go see Megan! I am sure it was a great trip. Can't wait to see more pictures! Glad you are back :)

  2. I love the one of you and Bekah at the creek! :) That would be a good one to mail the doting great-aunt! :)

  3. I love all of the pictures, especially the one with you and Bekah at the creek. :) I can't believe how big Bekah is getting already! where does time go?

  4. All I can say is "Awwww!" I miss you both so much already!
