Saturday, August 25, 2007

Glenwood Caverns

About 10 minutes away from Megan and Phil's apt was Glenwood Caverns. We spend part of the day doing fun stuff there.
We all rode the Gondola up to the top of the mountain. It was hot and stuffy but the view was fabulous.

Bekah was teething and so was grumpy and kinda out of it due to the Tylenol. You can see the dazed look on her face.

We had fun taking pictures with the bear at the Glenwood Caverns.

Grandpa and Bekah hanging out together.

They had some fun mirrors on the wall so we got a new look at ourselves. I love this one of Megan and me.

Isn't the view so beautiful? I really enjoyed seeing all the mountains and the Colorado River too. There were hot springs in the town right below us and you could see the pool they made from them when we were in the Gondola.

We had lots of fun at the top of the mountain. Here I am riding a "Bull" for the first time ever. It is a lot harder than it looks. I stayed on for over a minute!! My legs were all shaky by the time I fell off.

Then Phil tried to ride the bull also. The guy running it said that he did the same with Phil as with me. He fell off after only 8-10 seconds. This is the only picture I was able to get. Sorry Phil.

Phil, Megan and the grizzly bear. Such a cute photo shoot. I got this one while standing in line for the Alpine slide. My dad had to leave and Megan was watching Bekah so Phil and I were the ones that got to go down it. It was so much fun!! I went so fast and hardly braked at all. The view was awesome.

Such a cute couple!

Bekah-all worn out.

After the Alpine slide Phil and I climbed the rock wall. We were neck and neck for awhile. At the top of the wall it was really windy and our arms were getting really shaky. It was lots of fun.

I went on a trampoline hooked up to a bungee cord. I was able to jump 2-3 times my hight and do flips in the air. The kids doing it could jump for like 5 -7 minutes without getting tired. I jumped for maybe half the time then begged to get down. I was exhausted-especially from doing everything else. I really had a nice time hanging out with Megan and Phil.

Phil even managed to make friends with Bekah finally. The first night we were there Megan and I were giving Bekah a bath. Phil came home from work and scared us. I screamed and that scared Bekah. She hid her face from him every time he tried to interact with her. Finally on Friday she would let him hold her and play with her.


  1. Great pictures and looks like you had a great time - I am so glad you all were able to spend some time together. Look forward to seeing you sometime soon :)

  2. what great pictures. I loved the bath story. :)

  3. So much fun! I miss having you guys here.

  4. Fun pictures and good job on the bull!! :)
