Thursday, May 24, 2007

So Active

Bekah is so active now and trying to get into everything. She loves to see all that is going on. Bekah really enjoys her bath time, being outside and picking grass, eating yummy food and playing with our doggy Baily.


  1. Bekah is SOOOO Beautiful! Thanks for sharing the pics. I want to see her SO badly! I can't believe you're letting her eat frogs already!

  2. So cute! The girls are excited about watching her next month. :-)

  3. She is so cute :) I love that little mini bath thing you have for her.

  4. Megan- frog legs are a specialty and oh so yummy. We are just starting her early.

    Julie- the little bathtub is great. I give her baths outside in it and let her have a pool party during her bath. She loves it!!

  5. What an adorable set of pics! Where did you get the bath thing - I want one when our baby needs one :) See you when I get back from Santa Fe - we need to pick a time for you and Chris to get together with Jeremy and I --- miss ya!

  6. I love the pictures!! I like the bath thing too. It just wouldn't work with us, too many kids in the bath at once! :)

  7. Steph
    I got the bathtub at Walmart-the only place I've seen it. And it was way cheaper than any other bath thing for little ones to stay safe and upright in. I'll get one for your baby. :o) We do need to get together soon.
