Sunday, May 20, 2007

Smiling Baby

Bekah is seven months old now and totally enjoying life. We love having her be a part of our world and just think she is the best. Enjoy the new pictures.


  1. Those pictures are so cute and she is growing up too fast :):):) I was glad I got to say hi to her at church yesterday. Did you work? We missed ya!

  2. I love the new pictures, especially with her and the frog. How is your house selling going? Any luck selling it yet?

  3. Aren't sleeping babies the sweetest little things ever? :-)

  4. I almost thought I just saw a "toopher" in Bekah's mouth. However, on closer look, I think it was just a reflection.

  5. No luck on the house at all. We are waiting for God's timing on that.

    Megan- sorry, I can't get a picture of her new teeth. They are hard enough to see with out trying to get a pic as well. Hey, check out Rebecca Cross's blog.
