Friday, January 12, 2007

I love Bekah so much!!

Bekah's personality is coming out so much. We love seeing her find her hands and suck on them. (Can't find the thumb yet) She is smiling and cooing and laughing so much and it is lots of fun.


  1. Picture #2 is my fave! We are wondering, how many hats does this child own? :)

  2. Very cute pictures - we miss you all :):) We still need to celebrate your birthdays :)

    I am with Jenylu - does she have a hat for each day of the week????? I don't think I have really seen her without one :)

  3. Now, now, now. I happen to like hats on Bekah. She is so cute with them and they keep her warm. I only have like 9 or 10 hats total for her. But hold out hope of seeing her with out b/c I got some really cool barrets and she is darling in them. Pics will soon come.

  4. 9 or 10 - yes, that is what I said - at least one for everyday - - - -:)

  5. I like the little green outfit! Looks snuggly and warm.
