Sunday, January 07, 2007

Christmas with family

Chris is such a great husband. For my latest birthday (I'll let you guess how old) Chris brought me a teddy bear, a balloon and a huge bouqet of flowers. It was so sweet and definitely earned brownie points. Thanks sweetie!!

Our new family.

My dad had a good time with Bekah and got lots of hugs. My mom was soooo sad because she had a cold and tried not to hold Bekah too much. Hopefully next time she will feel better and get her hugs in too.

My sister Megan and I are so close. I miss her a ton and it was great to spend time together. As you can see we like to have lots of fun.

Auntie Megan had a great time giving Bekah a bath in the sink. She did a great job and Bekah enjoyed her bath.

No more pictures mom!! PLEASE!!

Sound asleep and oh so cute.

Kristen came to visit and had lots of fun holding Bekah. This is at a little Mexican Restaurant. Really good food!


  1. Very, very cute pictures! We are so looking forward to getting back into a normal routine and hanging out with you all!

  2. fun! I love the pictures. Thanks for sharing. I too had a great time with all of you.

  3. Looks like a wonderful family time. Poor Laurie not getting to cuddle with Bekah! She was a very self-sacrificing Grandma to restrain herself for Bekah's sake. :)

  4. Sounds like a good time. Chris is a good husband.

  5. First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Thanks for your Christmas card and letter....I had sent one to you as well and just 2 days ago, it got returned to me. Would you mind sending my your new address to my e-mail? ( it didn't get forwarded, I assume you moved a while ago. Anyway, CUTE pictures. Looks like you had so much fun with family!
