Thursday, November 02, 2006

You are my sunshine!

The other morning the sun was coming in just right and I got these priceless pictures. Aren't they sweet.


  1. I love the black and white picture! It looks so natural for you to be a mom Sarah!

  2. Pretty soon I'll be able to hold this little munchkin! Her growth is definitely noticeable in the pictures.

  3. Thanks Rebekah, I do love being a mom. I love just holding her and looking at her little face as she makes her baby noises and expressions. Babies sure are priceless.

    Megan, I can't wait for you to visit and get to see Bekah in person. JUst two more weeks. Yeah!!

  4. I think you need a few thousand more pics up... :-)

  5. Give her time - she will get that many :):)

  6. I like all of those pictures. How cute!

  7. so umm am I going to get to meet this beautiful girl next week???

  8. You bet Jamie. I do have to take Megan and Phil to the airport Sunday so I dont' know which service I will be at but I will make sure to find you. That way your mom and sister won't be able to keep bragging about holding her. :o)
