Wednesday, November 15, 2006

My mom got to hold Bekah one last time before going home when she visited. She loved getting to spend time with her and we loved having her.

Bekah's cousin, Jessie, absolutely loves her. Every chance she gets she asks if she can hold her. This day she wouldn't eat her lunch or even her dessert because she wanted to be next to Bekah. It is so funny.


  1. These are great - - - - love seeing the pictures - she is growing so fast - - -

  2. Less than a week and I get to hold this precious baby! Thanks for the pictures. What's the website so I can check out the Penney's pics? I survived conferences today...did 13! Only 4 more tomorrow.

  3. I look forward to your pictures :) Honestly, she is getting bigger already....her face is really filling out! I just love the ones of her sleeping with her hands up. Sometimes when I go in to check on Ellie, so STILL sleeps like that. It is one of my most favorite things to see! I think Bekah looks just like her cousin, Jessie! Does Jessie live with you guys?

  4. It was nice to see that fatherhood is not interfering with the important things in Chris's life! :)

  5. Yay for new pictures!! She is getting so big!!! I really hope I can see you guys sometime next weekend.

  6. Nice Pops. Video games with the baby. Gotta love those priorities
