Thursday, November 02, 2006

Happy Reformation Day: From our Little Pumpkin

We spent Reformation Day with Martin Luther King. Here he is next to the 95 thesis.
My little pumpkin

Bekah wanted a new hair do so she borrowed Andy's mullet. Isn't she cute.


  1. Love that hair.. Any idea where I can get some of it...

  2. I'm sure we could find just the right one. Give us some time! :o) I love the look on Bekah's face with her wig on.

  3. Very, very cute - I think I should get a copy of one of the pictures by the pumpkin :):):)

  4. She adds a whole new element to your fall decorations! :)

    Don't tell Andy, but the mullet looks much better on Bekah!

  5. I prefer the mullet and BTW... I think you mean we spent the evening with Martin Luther and not Martin Luther King

  6. Sorry i'm not up on history very well. i do mean martin luther. the king just sort of slipped in.
