Thursday, November 02, 2006

Bekah is two weeks old

My baby is such a joy to have. Fortunately she is very photogenic and loves her pics taken. Hopefully this will continue so that I will have lots to blog. Baby is crying. Must go!

This is a great way to transport baby and get the laundry done.
This was Bekah's first trip to Crepe Escape. My mom and I went there for lunch after Bible study.
My mom came down for a few days to visit and we had a great time. She really enjoyed being able to spend time with Bekah.

Here you go Aunt Stephanie. I love these cute pictures of you and Bekah ( and someones hand too)


  1. Yea - how cute!!!! I made the blog with Bekah!!!!!

  2. I love your hair!

  3. She just gets cuter and cuter every day!!!

  4. Sarah, Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful daughter. There is nothing as exciting as becoming a mother! Enjoy every minute because it goes by way to fast. Hope you are doing well and getting lots of rest! :)

