Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Visitors and a Bath

I am just loving being a mommy. My love for Rebekah keeps growing every day. I so enjoy just holding her and gazing at her sweet little face. She is such a good baby. She is learning to nurse very well and is sleeping much longer at a time. Yeah! She really only cries when she is hungry and otherwise is content and happy. Last night she was awake for about an hour. We had a good time watching her interesting faces and just enjoying her.

Bekah is definitely a Daddy's Girl.

Bekah had a huge explosion out of her diaper and needed a bath on Sunday night. She liked the bath but as you can see, she really didn't like being cold and wet.

Miriam, one of the nurses from work, had given us her cradle. I refinished it and now Bekah sleeps there every night. It is so handy!

Uncle Jeremy got a chance to spend a moment with Bekah. So Sweet!

Helen and Sharron, two nurses from work, came to visit and see Rebekah. Sharon made a beautiful cross-stitched blanket for her. We had a good time visiting and talking.


  1. She is so sweet. I can't believe she is over a week already!!!

  2. Adorable pictures - I am still awaiting my chance :):) Can't wait! Thanks for posting!

  3. Love the pics...especially the first one with your new hat, Sarah. ;) Looks pretty snazzy. I must say I have an adorable niece!!

  4. She is so adorable Sarah. I can tell that you just love her and are enjoying being a mom! :) Isn't it the greatest feeling? I can't wait until January and I can meet her! :)

  5. Chris doesn't look like he's feeling at all sad about having a little girl! :-) Very sweet pictures!
