Saturday, October 21, 2006

Life is Wonderful with a new bundle of JOY-and Sleepless

Hello Again! Life is getting easier day by day. Chris and I actually got 3 whole hours of uninterupted sleep last night. It was wonderful. Ok, I never thought that those words would come out of my mouth. All I can say is that life will definitely never be the same again. Here are some new cute pictures of Bekah. We got lots of her sleeping b/c that's mostly what she does. My sister-in-law Christi and the kids came to visit Friday. Christi and Jessie hadn't seen Bekah yet. They loved holding her. Jessie kept getting toys for Bekah to play with. It was so cute.

My dad had made a wooden cradle for my dolly my mom made for me when I was little. We put Bekah in the cradle and she fit perfectly. I love the pictures of her in it. Now when we lay her down in the living room we just pop her in there. Isn't she adorable.

Have fun looking at the new pictures!

Well, Blogger is being stinky about uploading pictures so I have hosted these on my own web space. Enjoy! Chris.


  1. The pictures were great - she is adorable :):):)

    Love - The Comment Queen :):)

  2. I just adored looking at those pictures....Sarah, the one of you on the swing with the chain in front of your face is just beautiful. You can see in your eyes how much you want and love being a mommy. Remember the very first time we met and we were sitting in some tree.....we talked baout our future husbands and how much we wanted babies and you wanted to be a nurse. Looks like all our dreams have come true! :)

  3. The girls came home from Sunday evening oohing and awing about how cute Bekah is! :) She looks like the sweetest baby doll in the cradle!

  4. Hey, I'd love to get my cradle so I could "plop a little one into it" just like Bekah. She's SOOO cute in it!!!
    Bekah's life has nearly doubled since I last saw up-to-date pictures of her. Better get some new ones on the blog! ;)
