Sunday, August 13, 2006

The Sonoma County Fair

Chris and I had a good time at the fair. We bought some fudge for my mom and looked at all the stuff in the pavilion. After eating at the Pasta King (great food by the way) we walked around the fairgrounds and then into the art exhibits. By this time we had been there about an hour by now and I was getting sooooo tired. We looked at the art for a couple minutes, then I went to sit down for a bit. We looked some more, then I sat down again. We looked for Josh's muffins but didn't find them. I found the bathroom again and we went over to the children's art stuff. I lasted a about 5.5 minutes and sat down again. Finally we looked at all the rides I can't go on right now, bought a candy apple and some cotton candy then left. The whole trip was about 2 hours. I was so exhausted I went to bed very early. I do dream about when I used to have tons of energy-then I wonder if it will ever return.

Sorry, all the pictures are of me. Chris was in a weird mood and really didn't want any pictures taken today. Ok, so he never really likes pictures but sometimes he does tolerate them.

I found a lot of good seats in the Hall of Flowers.

I am always good at finding the bathroom-anywhere.

I really liked this scene at the Hall of Flowers.

Every time I look down, this is what I see. You know it's really funny. Some people say that I am so small and are really surprised that I am 7 months pregnant. The rest say that I am growing so much and that every time they see me my belly has gotten bigger. Who knows. It must be all in the perspective.


  1. Yeah! I don't mind pictures of you. :) You look beautiful. I can't wait to see what's on the inside of that bubble. My little niece or nephew! (Should I be like dad and wonder whether I'll be an aunt or an uncle?) ;) Love you guys.

  2. This blog was just for you guys. You can read the blog above and see how much work it was to do.

  3. Well - if I had known it would be that stressful, I would have just called you on the phone :):) Ha ha!!!
