Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I really could do without Computers

The other day I was tired and ready to just relax. Then Chris informed me that Megan and Stephanie had both complained that I had not blogged in a long time and that I had better do one tonight. I sat down with my computer (one that Chris' brother Jeff had gotten from work b/c they were going to throw it out) and started to blog. I first tried to pull up a picture from the data base thingy that has pictures in it. (As you can tell I'm not completely computer savvy-ok not at all) On Chris' new computer it is fairly easy. After pushing many buttons you can look at the pictures, select the one you want and go from there. It took Chris many, many times to teach me how to do that with out having to ask him to help. Well, my computer was different than Chris' and I couldn't figure it out. Finally Chris came over to help. After doing who knows what he said that I needed to pull up the picture file, write down the number and description of each picture I wanted. Then I could go to the other screen and select the one I wanted by looking at the number. I was frustrated at this point but still wanted to blog so I said I would try it.
Then, as I started to do this complicated process the mouse on the computer froze. I tried everything that Chris told me to do but it would not budge. At this point I did not care about blogging at all. All I knew was that computers were evil and I wanted to throw mine out of the car window while driving over the Golden Gate Bridge. Chris was busy with his own computer so I shut mine down. As I was putting my computer down the Cd drive (I asked Chris what it was) fell out onto the floor. I just sighed and pushed it under the couch. Needless to say Chris let me use his computer so I did end up making a short blog. I still think I could live just fine without any computers in my life-at least any computers that I have to interact with.


  1. They aren't that bad and those of us who love reading blogs appreciate your effort! Thanks! I wasn't trying to complain too bad - just giving you a hard time.

  2. Um, maybe that's why Jeff's work was THROWING IT AWAY!!! There's reasons to do that with computers. They turn into TRASH after a few years. I'd stick to "Chris's" computer if I were you. ;) THanks for blogging though! WE appreciate it! Huh Steph? PS. We wouldn't have to "complain" if you blogged every day, hmmm, maybe even twice a day. ;) wink wink

  3. We don't want to push her too much Megan - but you are right - posts are good :):) Megan is right - stick to Chris' computer - :)

  4. No, you can't give up computers because I have to read your blogs...:)

  5. LOL!!! You go Megan!

    I was figiting here in my seat saying things like to the monitor like, "what thingy?" and "different how?"

    I agree... CDROM's falling from computers is never a good sign.

    Either way Sarah, it made for a good post.

  6. There were 2 issues with her computer. First is that it has two built in mice. One is the little nubbin style that sits in the middle of the keyboard and in my opinion is totally useless. That mouse has taken to randomly shooting to one corner of the screen rendering the touch pad useless. The other problem is the the cd drive is swappable. At some point the release must have been pushed so when she picked it up the drive popped out.

    The last thing that she complained about is when trying to select pictures she could not see them like she could on my Mac. I am running Ubuntu on her system and when you go into Blogger to upload a pic Ubuntu does not show a thumbnail of the pic like my Mac does. I had the picture window open for her to see what each one looked like but she just could not be bothered with trying to compare the file names just to select and load up a picture. I think laziness was rather key there. ;)

  7. Nice comment Chris. Way to support your wife with her computer cluelessness. At least I am trying here. I am so bummed. An hour ago I wrote a great comment and tried to post it. Something happened and it didn't work and now I can't remember what I wrote. While I was trying to post last time my mouse kept running all over the computer screen without me touching it. I did try to describe it but Chris did a much better job of that since he actually knows what he is talking about and doesn't have to say "little purple mousey thingy". Thanks for clarifying everything for those that actually understand and care about the computer techno things and whatchamacallits. :0)

  8. I don't know what to say - except - this has cracked me up - thanks for the laugh!
