Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Being a Blessing to our Police Officers

We have been discussing the current events going on in our country with the girls.  They were very saddened when hearing about some of the peoples reactions to our police force.  We talked about how some officers have lost their lives.  Bekah wanted to do something. . . to make a difference in our world.  After lots of talking she decided she wanted to show support and care for the police officers of Sonoma County.  For weeks she has been working on posters for the men in blue.  

We had fun shopping for yummy treats to fill the boxes we created for the police men and women.

Jessie, Bekah and Hannah went to the Santa Rosa Police Department to drop off the goodies for the officers, toys for hurting children and posters to encourage them.

Lieutenant John Cregan was so kind.  He took us into the briefing room and we got to say hi to all the  officers.  The girls were so nervous but had the courage to say thank-you for all they do for us.  It was a special time!  The girls got lots of hugs and thanks.  Then we all get a tour of the station.

Then our family drove to Sebastopol to show honor and respect to the officers there.

A very sweet police woman gave us a tour of their station.  The girls got to say thanks to the sergeant and another officer.  The Sergeant said that their words was the best thing he had heard all week.

They got to try out the cells and the cement beds.  They are sure they would not like to spend any permanent time there.

This was such a great experience for my kids and my niece.  Bekah was able to make a difference today and saw how much it meant to others.  I pray that my girls will keep trying to be a blessing to others as they grow up.

We support all those that serve our communities, risk their lives and protect us. 

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