Wednesday, March 04, 2015

DIY Platform Bed

My sweet sister, Megan, was the inspiration for this project.  She made a bunk bed for her kids and the bed frame for her queen bed.  She is amazing and I love that she just sees something that she wants to do and she does it.  So after our bed frame broke (four times) and we gave up fixing it, I thought about making my bed frame too. After many months of having our mattress on the floor, I decided to just do it.  Pinterest lead me to the shanty-2-chic blog.  They had step by step instructions to a cute DIY Platform bed.  I found similar ones on Amazon for $1300.00.  I made mine for $280 and love it.

My patient and kind husband helped me pick out the wood that I needed. We decided to use cedar wood.  Smells great and it has great pattern in the wood.  After measuring the wood and marking it, my husband helped me cut it.  Then I sealed it with a clear polyurethane.   The next day I drilled all the pocket holes.  That was fun!  I had never done this, so again, my dear husband showed me how.  While he was at work, I carried all the wood upstairs and assembled the bed.  I got it all done before he got home.  It was so awesome surprising Chris with a finished bed that didn't collapse on him.  

This is my super cute Sis-in-law's puppy. He was helping me with my work!!
Measuring all the boards and marking them.

I used this polyurethane clear coat on the wood.  It brought out a beautiful color in it!

Here are some of the pocket holes I cut!

The frame is together!

Got all the supports in and now adding the boards.

My bed is all done!!  I love the way it turned out and it 
even looks like it matches the furniture in my bedroom.

This is a special quilt that my mom gave to me.  She sewed a letter inside the quilt with the history of the quilt.  "This quilt was given to Laurie Reynolds in 1980.  It came from a lady, 90 years old, going into a nursing home.  She said it had been made by her mother, and was very old.  It was only the top and had never been quilted.  I, Laurie, quilted about 1/2 and then the ladies at Heritage Baptist Church in Pennsylvania quilted the remainder.  The quilt came from a house in Elmira, New York.  The quilt was finished in 2007 and given to Sarah Jeanette Kuhner, Laurie's Daughter.  Laurie Reynolds"

I love the detailed quilting on here.

The Shanty-2-Chic blog had great instructions on how to make this platform bed.  It was for a twin bed and I had to measure every thing for a queen.  Here are the measurements if you want to make a queen bed.  
Two 2x8's- Cut these 62 1/2 inches long.  These are the bottom pieces for the top and the bottom.
Two 2x8's- Cut these 79 1/2 inches long.  These are the bottom pieces for the sides.
Two 2x6's- Cut these 86 1/2 inches long.  These are the side top pieces.
One 2x6- Cut this 59 1/2 inches long.  This is the top end piece.
Two 2x2's- Cut this 79 1/4 inches long.  These are the side cleats to support the boards holding up the mattress.
One 2x4-Cut this 79 1/2 inch.  This is the middle support under the boards holding up the mattress.
Thirteen 1x6's-Cut them 59 1/2 inches long.  These boards hold up the mattress.

I measured this for a 60x80 queen bed.  I cut it just slightly smaller and it is perfect with the mattress on it.  The rest of the directions on Shanty-2-Chic blog are great and easy to follow.  

1 comment:

  1. You and your sister are amazing!! I love all the projects you think of and that you just do them. :)
