Thursday, February 05, 2015

Finishing our Kitchen Project

Today we finally got to work on putting in the tile on our back splash.  After taking two months off, it was time to get back to work.  Here is the damage to the wall caused by the previous back splash.

Do you like my first attempt at patching up the wall?  Chris didn't think the patch fit exactly.  It did work for two months!!!

This was the worst of the damage that had to get fixed before the back splash could get done.

I did bought the dry wall, cut it out and installed it by myself. 
 It was pretty fun doing something new and making it work!!

I am also working on adding a trim piece under the counter. 
 The gap between the counters and the cabinets doesn't look so great.  

I got this fun trim today.  I'll paint it white to make it match the cabinets.

In the midst of everything else we were doing, I had Chris put up the kids pencil sharpener under the counter.  I love having it right where we could use it all the time.

I added a shelf to keep our Bibles on.  
I was able to use the left over maple from the shelves to make this shelf.

I made this little recipe book nook.

I picked up the tile we got at Bedrosians.  It is such a pretty blue colored glass.  

Chris showed me how to mud the wall and place the tile.  It was fun figuring this out and putting the tile up.  I placed each piece and marked the ones for Chris to cut.  He used our tile saw to cut each one.  Working together we got it all done.

Here is our kitchen in September before we started.  It seems so closed in and small. 

Here is our transformed kitchen!!  It is so open, light and beautiful.
I just love how the paint in the living room ties in with the tile in the kitchen.  This is my happy place.  It has been amazing to see the change in my kitchen bit by bit.  I have learned to do many, many things that I have never tried before.  It is liberating and exciting to realize that I can just decide to try something and then figure out how to do it.

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