Friday, October 25, 2013

Bekah is Seven!!

My Dearest, Sweetest Girl,
These last seven years of my life have been such a blessing because I shared them with you.  I prayed for you and dreamed about you.  When I knew that you were coming into my life, I was super excited.  You arrived on October 15, 2006 at 11:16 am.  Daddy and I couldn't stop smiling and looking at your beautiful face.  Now you are ever so much more than your 6 lbs 6 oz you were on your first birthday.  It is wonderful to see you growing up and doing new things everyday.

Bekah, you are so full of life and smiles and sunshine.  You are a sweet girl and I love you so much!  This last year has been a great one.  You have learned how to read and you love it.  It is so fun to cuddle next to you on the couch and have you read stories to us.  Each day you are writing more and more.  I enjoy reading the little notes that you write to me and everyone else.  You love to color intricate patterns with lots of colors.  Chocolate and ice cream are your favorite things to eat (and you would enjoy them every day if you could.)  I am so grateful for all the time that I get to spend with you:  time playing at the park, cooking with you, reading to you and every other moment I have.  They are precious moments and I thank God each day that I get a chance to spend them with you.  
You are loved and will be forever.

We had a fun time celebrating your birthday. 
 It was a super fun day and I'm glad we all celebrated together.

                                                  Happy Birthday, my sweet Bekah!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love this - and I am positive your girls love life because they see their mommy love life and find so much joy in all the blessings of Christ! Love you - love Bekah!
