Wednesday, August 21, 2013

And A New School Year Has Begun

So Bekah is now a big First Grader.  She was so looking forward to starting school and seeing her  friends again.  She was nervous about a new teacher though.  Her teacher is wonderful and Bekah loves her already.  That is such a blessing.

Gotta get those pictures in front of the house before school.

I love Bekah's nervous face and Hannah's excited one.

I was too busy to help her write out First Grade, so she did it by herself.  I love how she spelled it!

Hannah loves going to the playground with Bekah before school starts.
The teacher called the kids, gave them instructions to sit at their desks and then went into the classroom with the kids.  We weren't sure if the parents should go into the classroom or not.  I loved how the parents ran over to the window to get pictures.

Mrs. Koch saw all the parents, laughed and then had us come in and take pictures with the kids before they started their day.  

Bekah got to sit next to her friend Luke.  However, by the second day, his seat got moved with another.  Perhaps a bit too much chit chat going on.

I had to get a few pictures from the second day of school too.  Bekah was more relaxed and it was fun.

Showing off her new (clearance from last year) backpack.

We threw in a salute to the flag before heading off to school.  
Glad that she learned that last year and hasn't forgotten it.

Looking forward to another fun year.  I so enjoy the time we get with Hannah at home.  
It is wonderful seeing Bekah learning so many new things

1 comment:

  1. I am crying as I watch my grandchildren growing up too fast. loved having Bekah come and sit on my lap in church! She kissed my four times before it was time to give pop pop Karl his turn!
