Monday, June 17, 2013

10 Things I Love About My Husband

Chris and I have been married for 13 years.  It is our anniversary today.  I love my dear husband so much.  He has been by my side through some great times and some tough times.  I love him so much!

10 Things I Love About My Husband

1.  He is the father of my two beautiful little girls. He is an
amazing dad and teaches them so much.

2.  He protects me. When I have touched some thing I'm allergic to, he
reminds me to wash. If some one is making my life difficult, he finds
ways to keep some distance from them for awhile.  He makes sure I have
 my phone so I can call for help.

3. He loves me and no other. I know that he will never love another
woman like he loves me.  I am his and he is mine. . . forever.

4.  He cooks dinner for me on the days that I work.  Even on days that he
 won't be there for dinner and I have worked, he makes sure I have something
 to heat up.

5.  He doesn't make me watch scary movies that he wants to because he
knows I'll  get nightmares.

6. He takes me out for ice cream any time I want.  That is a good man!

7.  He laughs at the crazy things I do and doesn't make me feel
stupid, just loved.

8.  He goes out of his way to get me special things that He knows I
will love: flowers, a necklace, my camera.

9.  We have fun together.  He is my best friend and we just enjoy
doing things with each other

10. He listens to me.  Even when he has no idea what I am talking about
or what I am discussing makes him want to run away (think hospital stuff-blood
and guts), he listens.  


Brittany, Catie, Michelle and Courtney were my lovely flower girls.

My Dad, my Mom, and my sister, Megan.
Chris' nephew Casey was our ring bearer.

Chris' Mom and Dad

My cousin, Jonathan, stood behind me in the reception line and decorated my veil with leaves.  He was so helpful!  

We had an entire 5 gallon bucket of birdseed dumped on us.  Some one threw a whole cup into my open mouth and I almost choked and died.  Almost.  Good thing I made it!!
Catie made this sweet card for us.  I love the PS. at the top, "That's you smooching".

Chris is such a great daddy.  He loves his kids and they love him.

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