Friday, May 10, 2013

Mom's Pamper Day in Kindergarten

I had such a delightful afternoon with my sweet kindergartener.  The children had a whole afternoon of pampering lined up for the moms.  I got there early and played on the playground with the kids.  All the boys were showing off for me and kept calling, "Mrs. Kuhner!  Mrs. Kuhner!  Look at me!"  Bekah played on the monkey bars and rubbed a huge chunk of skin off of her hand.  We got a band-aid and some ice for her and she was ready to go.

All the sweet presents lined up for the mommies.  They made us each a jar of sugar scrub and a flower that says, "I love you, Mommy!"  Wow do I like Mother's Day!!

This was the massage chair for the mommies.

All the kids decorated the tables with pictures for mom.  This is the one Bekah drew for me.  She knows that I love Christmas trees.  

This brought a smile to my face!

Mrs. Fletcher was telling us about each pamper station when in walked her son.  One of the mom's found him on facebook and asked him to come pamper his mom.  I was almost in tears.  It was so sweet  to see him come to honor her.

The kids first sang, "Skinamarinkidinkido."  They were darling!

Bekah wanted to paint my toes and fingers.  Since her right hand was hurting, she did all the painting with her left hand.  She did a fantastic job and loved every minute of it.

Then we moved to the massage station where she used a fire truck to massage my legs for 10 seconds.    We will have to work on her endurance.  :o)

Then I got some precious gifts from my girl.

Snack time was next.  I think this was Bekah's favorite station.  She sat on my lap and snuggled with me while we ate a snack.

She made me a bracelet too.

Then spent some time at the relaxation station.  Bekah gently placed cucumbers on my eyes, took them off after 2 seconds, dropped them and then put them back on for a picture.  So funny!  Then she put a lovely mist of body splash on me.  And then another one.  And another one.  And finally a fourth.  I smelled really good.   It was so fun seeing her enjoy pampering me.

After doing a sugar scrub and lotion on our hands, we headed back to the manicure station.

She had fun adding a bunch of different  colors to my pretty toes and fingernails.

This is the end result.  I bet you all are jealous of my beautiful nails.  

Each moment with my girls is a gift.  Days like this are so precious to me.  I love every little thing that they do to show their love to me.  I will treasure up each moment knowing that they will be grown up all too soon.  

All the mom's agreed that we could handle being pampered by our kids every week.   Not sure if Mrs. Fletcher could fit it into the curriculum, but we can at least ask.  

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