Friday, December 21, 2012

Christmas Magic with Friends

We invited friends over to our house for hot cocoa and christmas cookies.  The cookies and peppermint hot cocoa were delicious and got the kids nice and hyped up.

Jonathan gave Luke a ride to the first house.

We love this guys house in Rohnart Park.  He decorates his house like this and all the rest of the neighborhood too.

Riding in the sleigh with Luke.

I love seeing the lights and beauty of Christmas through the eyes of my kids.

Kelly and Evan enjoyed spending time with us too.  Evan loved seeing the bubbles coming down from the castle.

Snow white can not compete with these beautiful women.
Renee, Kellie, Sarah and Kelly

Luke looked at Wonder Woman and said, "Look at the naked super hero!"  So funny!  

We don't always leave the house with the right number of coats, but our kids will never walk around cold.  Hannah stayed like this the rest of the evening.  At the last house, she came to me and fell asleep in my arms.  It was so precious.

I so love the quaint beauty of this house.   So of course I made my family take a picture in front of it.

I love the simplicity of the nativity.  This is what Christmas is all about.  I am so thankful that God came here to earth to save us.  He gave us the best gift there is, a relationship with Him and forgiveness of 
 our sins.

Watching the cool light show.  

I am so thankful for friends that will do fun stuff with us.  We had an awesome time tonight.

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