Monday, January 16, 2012

Prayer Bulletin Board

Last year after a Missions Sunday at our church, I was trying to figure out a way to help our family pray more consistantly for our missionaries.  I remembered that my mom had set up a world map with missionaries pictures around it in our dinning room. We would pray for a missionary every dinner.  We were able to see their families and look on the map to see where they served the Lord.

I decided to try that with my family.  I went to the local teachers store and bought a small bulletin board, a world map and some pins.  The whole thing cost about $20 dollars.  We cut the world out and pinned it up.  That Sunday I got a few prayer cards from the missionaries that had spoken.  So we put them up and talked with our little girls about who they were and how they served the Lord in the country they live in.  Then we put up the pictures those we support.  This has been a great way for the girls to remember to pray for those we support.

We love getting new pictures of our missionaries.  We pray for the Writebol's as they work on the air planes in Africa.  We pray for Jeanne as she works with the children in South East Asia.

We pray for Rommel, our child from Compassion International.  We just started supporting the Child Survival Program in Uganda, Africa.

Mission India is awesome and the girls love seeing the passport to India on their website.  It is important to help the kids learn about who we are praying for and how they serve the Lord.

How does your family remember to pray for missionaries or others that need your prayers?

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