Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Ornaments and Wonderful Memories

Ornaments are very special things.  They are personal. Hand picked. Unique.  I so enjoy unwrapping each one as we are decorating the tree.  Each one holds a memory of a person, a time, an event.  They each have a story to tell.  
When I was a little girl my aunt would make a special ornament for my sister and me every Christmas.   I so enjoy pulling them out each year and remembering when I opened them the first time.  One of my favorites was a nurse ornament she made for me. 
  Through the years my parents have given our new family beautiful glass ornaments.  They are hand blown or really uniquely painted.  They look for the perfect one each year.  

 My husband and I love getting ornaments for our girls and each other as well.  On our honey moon, we stayed in Tahoe.  There was a darling Christmas ornament store there and we bought several ornaments to start our new life together.   Each one holds such good memories.  When my oldest daughter was only 1 1/2 months old, Chris planned a surprise day trip to Tahoe and back just to buy another ornament for our tree.   What memories we have in each special ornament. 

 Now that we have our own children, we carefully pick out ornaments for each of our girls each Christmas.  When they were infants I started taking pictures of them with the ornaments they received that year.

    This year Bekah got a hand painted tree from her Aunt Megan and a purple disco ball from mommy and daddy.

Then Bekah had to get some pictures with her pretty ballerina that she had received the previous year.  She begged me to let her keep the ballerina in her room all year since she couldn't bear to pack her away.  Needless to say, that didn't happen.

Hannah looks so proud of her ornaments.

The girls held our unique ornament from my parents- a glass pine cone.

This is a little off the subject of ornaments but it is some thing I must share.  When you are trying to get kids to look at the camera, have them look right at the center lens of the camera.  Then tell them that they need to look really closely and they will see the camera wink at them.  This is the picture I got as Hannah was looking for the wink.

Hannah was so proud of her bear ornament that she made with her Nana.

Capture the memories!

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