Thursday, February 03, 2011

My Sweet Little Girls

Being a mommy is one of the most wonderful things in this whole world. Ever since I was a little girl, all I ever wanted to be was a mom. When I was just a little girl, barely able to walk, I didn't have a baby doll. I actually got a catsup bottle, wrapped it in a towel and walked around the house burping it. I took care of all my dolls as if they were my children. I never really dreamed about a wedding or being married, just about being a mommy.

The best days of my life were the ones on which I found out I was expecting and the days that I met my new little girls. Bekah and Hannah bring such joy to me. They make me smile all through out the day. Hannah loves to run to me and give me tons of kisses (with her little tongue out). Bekah looks at me every day and says that she loves me from her heart. I love the time that I get to spend with them snuggling, reading and just talking with them. I love taking pictures of my little ones. Oh, to be able to hold onto these memories forever.

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