Friday, October 15, 2010

Update on the Kuhner Family

I was just reading through some of my friends blogs and got inspired to update my own blog. So here it goes.

Life is busy and crazy, but wonderful. Today Bekah turned 4 years old and yesterday Hannah turned 2 years old. It seems like just yesterday that they were babies. Though today Hannah did inform me that she is still a baby. We had gone swimming for Bekah's birthday and Hannah hated the pool and the hot tub. Not sure why, but she did. As I was putting her jammies on I told her that when she was bigger, she would like swimming. She said, "I not a big girl. I am a baby." What a funny girl I have. Bekah thoroughly enjoyed her time in the water. Auntie Shonna was there and was her swimming buddy. What fun we had. Yesterday on Hannah's birthday, we had a yummy dinner and gave the girls the presents from mommy and daddy. We enjoyed some delicious ice cream at a new store nearby. Bekah kept asking, "Why isn't everyone here to celebrate? Isn't anyone going to come over?" She doesn't quite get that the birthday party isn't for a few more days.

Chris is keeping busy with the radio station. He works at Broken Fm on Mondays and Fridays. He is also helping a lot with the different concerts that Broken is setting up or promoting. When he is not at the radio station he is at home enjoying being a full time dad. Some days are hard and he does enjoy getting out of the house for some grown up time, but over all he loves being with the girls. My husband is a great dad and wonderful husband. He reads to the girls and enjoys going to the park or feeding the ducks with them. He helps out around the house so much. The other day he poured a cement pad out back for the BBQ. It turned out so nice and the girls loved putting their hands and feet in it.

I am keeping busy as a mom and nurse. I am still working full time (3 days a week) on night shift at Sutter Medical Center. I just became a Staff Nurse III. This is basically a nurse leader role on my unit. I do all my normal duties but I also am on different committee's that are focused on making our unit better. I am a leader of the Neonatal Mock Code team. This is one of my passions. I want to make sure that all nurses and staff are fully prepared to resuscitate any baby. I am also becoming a transport nurse and will soon be transporting babies to Sutter from other hospitals around the north bay. I am on the partnership council and help provide feedback from the nurses on my shift to our team. We make changes and discuss isses and work to solve them. Over all I stay quite busy at work.

I absolutely love being a mom and cherish every moment with my children. I see how brief life can be as I work in the NICU. After a difficult shift when we have lost a baby I ponder just how fleeting life really is. We only have this moment to enjoy our family, our children, our friends. I am continually challenged to make each moment count. To say I love you every day, every hour. I am really focusing on making sure that my children and husband know how precious they are to me. Sorry for being sappy but this has been on my heart the last few days.

Chris and I are part of a catalyst group through our church. We meet with other believers to share life together every week. We eat dinner together and fellowship. Then we spend time in prayer and Bible study. We have been digging in deep and really seaching the scriptures. It is amazing what you can learn when you are really studying what God has told to us through His word. It is a wonderful time to get to know new people and really establish deep relationships with those around us. This is an open group to any who would like to come.

Bekah has recently started cubbies and is loving it. She is learning so many verses and can recite them when ever we ask. Even Hannah can say, "Jesus Loves Me." It is so precious.

God has blessed our family in so many ways. I am so grateful for his provisions for us. That's all the update I have for now. God bless you all.


  1. Glad you're inspired to post again. Hope it doesn't stop. :) Thanks for sharing!! Love you bunches.

  2. It's awesome to hear how you guys are doing! I can just picture Chris taking the girls to the park. So nice they get to spend all that time with him.

    Not sure when we will be in SR again. Probably summer of 2012 :( It seems so far away but will be here faster than we think.

    Have a great weekend :)
