Saturday, August 01, 2009

My Sweet Little Girls

So I have taken a long vacation from my blog. Sorry to all those who check it (or used to). I am on facebook now and putting all my photos on that. You really must get on facebook if you are not already.

Bekah is 2 3/4 years old now. She is loving being a big sister and helps out with Hannah. She loves to bring her toys and make sure she doesn't get into trouble. Bekah helps me pick blackberries, wash dishes and sweep. She is such a joy to be around. We have gone camping a few times this summer and Bekah keeps asking each day if we are going camping again.

Hannah is 9 1/2 months old and is so much fun. She started crawling on the 4th of July. She is now pulling herself up constantly and loving standing up. Hannah says "Dada" a lot now and is a joyful baby. We love being around our kids and loving them.

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