Friday, January 16, 2009

Hanging out as a family!!

My little peanut.

We got to take Bekah to McDonalds for a special treat.

Feeding the ducks at Howarth Park.

We had a fun time going on a walk by the creek near our house.

We made a little fishing rod and fish for Bekah. She got frustrated with not being able to catch the fish fast enough. So Bekah ended up holding the end of the line and putting it right on the fish. It was so funny.


  1. That looks like a fun day! We haven't gone to Spring Lake lately as a family. Thanks for the reminder of a fun and FREE thing to do. :)

  2. Oh I miss those girls. Give them both hugs for me (and yourself as well!) Made it safe to CO...I'll try to call tomorrow to see how you're doing.
