Monday, December 01, 2008

Thanksgiving with Sarah's family

Bekah and Daddy time.


My Grandma Carol, my dad's mom, was able to come and visit us. This was such a treat. The last time I was able to visit with her for awhile was before Chris and I were married. (9 years ago) She came to our wedding and she was able to visit with us this summer for about 3 hours. Grandma stayed at our house and enjoyed getting to hold Hannah and play with Bekah.

Grandma Martha gets baby time.

Johny and Uncle Scott weren't in the mood to be photographed. Oh well.

Chris wasn't either

Getting in line for the food. The turkey was done on the BBQ and was really good. No one remembered to make mashed potatoes but it was all still really yummy.

Hi five!!

Bekah, Hannah and Aunt Jennifer

Everyone had fun holding Hannah. During dinner Nana, Aunt Jen and Grandma Sue all held her.

A horsey: What fun!!

Bekah mooched pie off of Papa, Grandma Carol and then came to me. I got her a piece of her own but she was full by then.

Aunt Jen read a fun book with Bekah. They had fun finding Pip and Doodle, the mice hiding in the book.


  1. What sweet photos. Looks like you all had fun. Gues you had lots of help holding Hannah. :) I love Bekah's little slit eyes when she smiles really big. {hugs}

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  5. Great pictures and looks like great fun!
