Saturday, December 13, 2008

Just some pictures.

Hannah is now 8 lbs 11 oz. She is two months old and is doing great. Normally she'll eat every three hours during the day and is starting to eat every 4-6 hours at night. Mommy likes the long stretches of sleep. Bekah is doing good with her. She loves to kiss and hug her.

My sweet family.

Gail, one of the nurses I work with, brought Bekah this darling little dress. She loved getting all dressed up.

Bekah got her matching coat on and then got her purse and doggy. All ready for church now!!

We went out to Outback after a very long day. I love the bloomin onion which is funny since I hate onions. It was a very nice dinner.

Our neighbor Laura was due with her little girl the same day I was due with mine. They are 5 weeks apart. Here is little Bethany visiting her "big" next door neighbor. Aren't they so cute together.

This is what I found one day after Bekah's nap. I was not too pleased since she can't put them all back by herself. She helped as much as she could though.

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