Saturday, December 06, 2008

Christmas Tree Farm: Part Two

Our Little Family is ready for Christmas.

My mom and dad.

Bekah gives loves to Hannah.

Jen and Lilly. Steph and Allie.

Bekah sat with Nana on our hay ride.

Sarah, Papa Karl, Hannah and Grandma Carol. Hannah didn't appreciate the ride that much. She slept the whole time. But we enjoyed it.

The little elves.

Chris and Sarah


  1. I know I saw the pics on Facebook...but I still like them over here. :) My favorite is still the same one where you said Hannah looks like a white blur or something like that. It's so cute. Love you sssoooooooooo much!!! {hugs}

  2. It was so good to talk to you last night! I'm definitely praying for you all.
