Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sleeping Beauty

Awwww! Sleeping babies are so darling. Just have to keep taking those pictures of her.

Bath time for Hannah. She really loves her baths.

Thank-you Uncle Dan and Aunt Rita for the cute towel and washclothes for Hannah that I got at Sears. Now she has her very own and doesn't have to borrow Bekah's all the time.

Dr. Brewer is Hannah's pediatrician. Here he is holding her at her one month appointment.

Erica is one of my cooworkers at Sutter. Her daughter is living in our apartment. Erica loves that it gives her a chance to stop by and see Hannah and Bekah.


  1. Oh, my niece is so sweet. Thanks for sharing beautiful pictures of her. I was just thinking how much I would love to come see her...someday I will!

  2. Ahh...so sweet :)

    Dr. Brewer was Daniel's first doctor too :)

  3. It's less than one week before we see the girls again, oh, and you too! Love the sleeping baby, but that's not what I heard on the phone the other day, there was a lot of racket and what a sad baby sound Hannah makes. I'm sure mommy doesn't let that happen too often now! Love, Nanna
    PS great grandma will be here in under an hour. I'm sure she can't wait too.
