Saturday, November 08, 2008

Black and White Pictures

I had fun doing a photo shoot the other day. Enjoy the pictures.

I know. I know. She'll hate me for this later-but she didn't care at the moment. I'm just glad that she didn't pee on my bed.

All done with the pictures mommy!!

Bekah wanted Hannah to try on her sunglasses.

Mommy and Baby's hand

She was starting to get hungry here.

My Aunt Jennifer had gotten a darling dress for Bekah for her birthday. It came with a matching dolly dress for an American girl doll. The dress totally fits Hannah, so they have matching dresses for a short time. Isn't it so sweet?

Bekah wasn't in a very cooperative mood so we only got a few pictures with the both of them.
No babies were harmed in this photo shoot.

Such cute, little feet. I just love baby feet!!!


  1. Sarah, the pictures are beautiful. The one picture reminds me a lot of the one I sent as Taeya's birth announcement...different baby, same pose. I wish I could just swing by your place for a visit and some games.

  2. I love all of the pictures. You and your sister take great pictures! Bekah and Hannah are so beautiful!! i hope to meet them soon.

  3. I LOVE the pictures!

    Can you believe that we're having a girl too?? I don't think it's sunk in yet even though I had to stop and buy her a little dress/sweater on the way home from the hospital :) I think I'm just in complete shock that I'm finally having my little girl!

  4. Elijah and I were looking at your blog together and he said, "since when did the Kuhners get two kids?"

    Somehow he didn't even know you had Bekah. :) Maybe she is napping or in bed when we are over.

    I'm glad you found time to post new pictures. They are cute.
