Thursday, October 16, 2008

Hannah is having a hard day

Hannah didn't have such a good day today. She is having a hard time breathing. Since she is working so hard they have kept her on the CPAP machine and have increased the support that they are giving her with that. She is needing 40-50 % oxygen. She has been having a LOT of apnea and bradys. (She stops breathing, her heart rate drops as do her oxygen sats and she then needs to have her back rubbed to remind her to breath). They started her on caffeine to help her remember to breathe more. Since she is breathing 70-100 times a minute she is not being fed right now. When she isn't struggling so much then she will be allowed to eat. Her bili is high so she is under bili lights as well. Hannah loves to suck on her binki and hold our fingers. She cries when messed with. What a fiesty little girl!! We love holding her but can only do so twice a day since she is too fragile to hold more often.

I was able to come home from the hospital today. I am so glad to be able to sleep in my bed tonight. I have only been home for three days this whole month and really miss Bekah and Chris and my home. However, it was much harder to leave my little baby than I was expecting. I was fine until I was in the elevator then I lost it for a few minutes. There is some thing that is so not right when you leave without your baby. God is good and He will bring her home when she is ready. Can't wait.


  1. Praying for her (and all of you). She is sooooo very cute. Loved all of the pics. Especially the first one where I got a really good look at her face.

  2. Praying here in Georgia, too....

  3. I'm praying for you Sarah. I know how hard it is to leave a baby at the hospital. Grace was in the hospital for 6 days after I had her. She had destats and would stop breathing and they had to find out why. She had bad acid reflux. Anyway, I am praying for you during this difficult seperation time and for Hannah that she will heal quickly and come home!


  4. We are praying for you and love you all! Let us know if you need anything!

  5. Sarah, I find it ironic and very comforting that on the hospital walls is your mom's paintings. Is that her work? That's comforting to be able to see that :0) Praying for you!
    -Rachel O.

  6. Bruce and I are praying for you here in Miami too. Did you know we moved? Long story. Anyway, what a blessed little girl Hannah is to have a mommy who's a nurse to take good care of her. If she's anything like mom and big sis, she'll be coming home in no time.

  7. Sarah - you and your family have and will continue to remain in my prayers through this process. If you need someone to talk to, feel free to email me at mysti[dot]linne[at]gmail[dot]com.
