Saturday, September 27, 2008

How we ended up with a new table today.

I'll be 33 weeks tomorrow. I have been able to do more with out too many contractions. I think i overdid it a little today, but I am still not in labor. Yeah! I am really looking forward to going to church tomorrow.

Michelle came over on Friday to help with Bekah. Max and Luke came to play as well. Bekah had such fun with Max. I had to get a picture of this though. Max found a baby bottle and stuck it in Bekah's mouth. She just sat there and looked at me with this puzzled look on her face. Michelle and I just laughed.

Later that morning, Michelle was nursing Luke and I was lounging on the couch like normal. Max and Bekah were playing out of sight in the dining room. They were laughing and screaming and having a blast. I didn't think that they could get into trouble in there since everything was put away. Then I heard this funny noise. I asked if they were ok and they were. I got up to check out what was going on and I saw two guilty kids and our table like this.

I asked Bekah if she had been climbing on it and she said yes. She smiled at me and said, " I broke table."
We did some research on tables and ended up going to Cost Plus/ World Market. They had a beautiful table on clearance that was marked down almost by half. We ended up getting that one and a leather bench (also on sale) plus four chairs. We have to go get one more since we miscalculated on how it would look. We love the new table and can't wait to have family over to use it. It will seat 8 adults comfortably and is big enough for all the food to fit on the table with our plate settings.

Bekah tries on daddy's protective glasses while he works on refinishing the deck and picnic table.

Chris finished sanding and sealing our picnic table, benches and the deck today. They look very nice now. I have such a great husband!!!


  1. Great table - perfect for Catan :):) Can't wait to use it - I know I am not family - but close friends too right :)

  2. Looks really nice. It's such a different look than the last table. Too bad you won't be able to use it for a few more weeks. (At least not on a consistant basis.)

  3. I'm glad that the table was the only one hurt in the incident! :-)

  4. Hey Guys,

    Rita would like a new dining set, she wondered if you could send Bekah over to our house!!!

  5. Love, love, love the table! Bekah just cracks me up at times. I can't imagine living with her :)

  6. you haven't updated very recently--any baby news??
