Monday, September 15, 2008

Bobby Crocker Cook-off

Ok, sorry it has been so long since I have posted. I have been incredibly busy. (Hard to believe, I know) In the last week I finished 2 whole years of scrapbooking in one scrapbook. Sorry, don't mean to make you jealous Stephanie. Hey, maybe you'll get to go on bedrest someday and get lots of stuff done too. :o) I just don't know how long I have until the baby is here and there is so much I want to get done. I was so excited to get out of the house on Saturday and go to the Bobby crocker cook-off. I was a bit concerned a few hours before we left since I was having lots of contractions. Fortunately they quieted down and we could go. I am now just over 31 weeks and am really hoping to get to at least 34 weeks. I really think I can. Still having lots of contractions, some lasting up to 2 min. Those are no fun!!! Still doing good though and can't wait to get out and see everyone. Miss you all!

The Bobby Crocker Cook-off was so fun. All of the dishes the guys made were incredible and tasty. The girls decided that we should do a Bobby Crocker cook-off every month and maybe a Betty Crocker cook-off once a year.

Our bare-footed server.

Andy made really good sausage rolls.

All of the girls just loved being waited on by our wonderful husbands. The food was excellant and the company delightful.

Eric made artichoke dip with pita chips.
Jeremy created turkey burgers grilled with brie cheese inside, topped with grilled granny apples. Yummy!

Josh helped serve the burgers. He had made an incredible appetizer of toasted bagette with a cheese, garlic and bacon spread topped with diced tomatoes. Yummy! I could have eaten the whole thing myself.

Matt made delicious chocolate dipped cheese cake with raspberry drizzle. I loved the presentation of them on lolly pop sticks.

Michelle and Luke enjoy some yummy food.

Sarah and Cherise dig into dessert.

Sarah, Christine and Emberlie.

Our fearless leader, Dan, in his kilt and leather jacket.

Matt won the best dessert and the best over all dish. Way to go!

Josh, Andy, Eric , Matt and Jeremy.

All the girls.


  1. I need to get my act together and organize one of these events. It would be so fun. Wish I could have been there! Yum! I wonder what Phil would have made if he was there...I'll have to ask him.

  2. It was such fun!!!! Great food (that we didn't have to cook), GREAT fellowship - - - - and my pictures got hung - yea!!!!!!!!!! I loved this event - - - - I have to say I am all about doing the Bobby Crocker more often - but I am not into doing a Betty Crocker - - - - I will cheer everyone else on :)

  3. That looks like so much fun! I am praying for you still. Continue to enjoy your down time and I'm so impressed with your scrapbooking. I haven't scrapbooked since Abigail turned 1 and she now turned 5, so you know how far behind I am. :0
