Monday, September 01, 2008

Bekah's Silly Faces

Bekah loves this hat that Auntie Megan found. Daddy thinks it's very silly but it is cute on her.

While in the hospital I needed to use a inspirometer to help keep my lungs clear. Bekah thought it was a really fun toy! She would breathe in it for a bit, then I would use it. It's funny what amuses little ones.

Bekah was so funny when she was sitting in her high chair. See if you can figure out what mood she is trying to portray.

When I asked Bekah to make a mad face, this is the face that I got. How cute!


  1. I'm glad Bekah likes the hat. I saw it and was going to get it for Taeya. Mom ended up buying it and she really wanted Bekah to have it. I didn't care. I just thought it'd be fun for one of the girls to wear. Taeya has the same dress as the one Bekah's wearing. That's why Mom and I picked it out for Bekah...because Taeya can match her. I'll have to take a picture of Taeya wearing it so we can post the girls matching together. :)

  2. What adorable faces. Bekah is such a cutie! I hope that you are still hanging in there with your bed rest.
