Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Thanks for your prayers

So the last couple of days have thrown me for a loop. I just got out of the hospital after being treated for preterm labor. On Sunday I was 26 weeks along and started having lots of contractions. I was admitted to Sutter on Sunday night so that they could try to stop the contractions. I just got to go home today (Wed) and am so glad to be here. I am tired and ready for bed. I'll update you all tomorrow. Thanks for your prayers.


  1. We are praying - and you rest, rest, rest - - - and stay off the feet :) Miss you and love ya!

  2. I am praying for you Sarah. I hope you are able to get some rest the next few weeks.

  3. Bailey sends her love!!
    Of course we are praying lots & lots and will probably be seeing you very soon as well! :)


  4. We will keep praying. I'm so glad that bun is still in the oven! Now have Chris ducktape you to the couch (and maybe Bekah too) so you get plenty of rest.

    If you need anything - housecleaning, meals, babysitting, dogsitting, let PIC know. Thats what we are here for.

    love you guys - Robin
