Saturday, August 30, 2008

Bed Rest Central

So just about every photo I take in the next many weeks will be from the vantage point of the couch. Just warning you. :o) Bekah loves shoes-on herself and on everyone else. Here she is trying to put her sandles on my feet. She managed to do it somehow. My shoes were a bit easier to get on though they weren't on all the way.

My Aunt Jennifer brought over some beads for Bekah to play with. She did really well at threading them on the pipe cleaner.

This is the first little pair of socks that I beaded. My Aunt Jennifer was so kind and patient with me as she taught my fumbling fingers what to do. After a slow and painful process my brain figured out what to do. I have now made 2 1/2 pairs of socks. They are so darling! Thanks wonderful auntie!!

As I sit on the couch I am learning to come up with inventive ways to play with my daughter. This day we made a tent that Bekah loved playing in. It keeps her near me and safe and it is fun to play with her this way.


Bekah found a new way to play with her ball popper. She turns it on and gets the balls to pop out. Then she wacks them with a fly swatter. It is so much fun! And you thought that fly swatters only had one purpose. (Don't worry, we did wash it first)

After seeing how into cell phones Bekah is, our neighbor gave her an old one of his to play with. She used to use a wooden block. Now she can pull up the antenea, flip open the phone and push the buttons. She calls daddy every day at work. It is so cute.

So I was asking on for preemie clothes. I had loaned mine to a friend who moved away and am needing some more. A very sweet lady responded saying that she collects preemie clothes to give to moms who need them. Her son was born at 28 weeks and passed away and she wanted to find some way to reach out to other mom's with preemies. In addition to bringing some outfits to my house for me, she told me of a website dedicated to supporting mom's on bedrest with high risk pregnancies. I had fun reading through it today. I got quite a kick out of the article describing the 15 benefits of taking pregnancy lying down. I can readily relate to just about every one on here. My favorites are #8, #9 and #11. Enjoy a look at bed rest from my perspective.

By Laurie Krauth
How often do the one in five pregnant women assigned to bed rest get to brag about the experience? Yet here we lie, accumulating perks unknown to our mobile counterparts. So heres a reminder to horizontal pregnant women, and a lesson to our vertical sisters, about just 15 of the benefits Ive accrued in taking pregnancy lying down.
1. My husband has learned to cook. And not just in the microwave.
2. He can run the house. (He no longer puts the first load of wash in the machine and leaves it to mold. He regularly fills--and empties--the dishwasher, notices when were out of milk, creates a shopping list, hits more than one store to get the goods, buys in bulk and looks out for sales.)
3. I am amassing a quantity of sleep-time that I wont see again until my baby is 2.
4. I am tearing through novels, mastering (in theory) the football hold for breastfeeding and gossiping with friends with a laziness that my baby wont permit again until preschool.
5. Im losing my type A-ness&is it possible? Before this bed rest thing, I couldnt talk on the phone or have a friend over without also cooking or filing papers.
6. My old definition of a top-flight evening--one spent eviscerating eight items on my to-do listhas been replaced by one spent watching two videos with my husband.
7. I can stare aimlessly into space (without mentally adding tasks to said to-do list).
8. My athletic virtuosity no longer depends upon at least one sweaty set of tennis, three jogs and a night of swing dancing a week. Tackling the stairs now makes me proud..
9. Lying on the couch in the living room (aka Bed Rest Central), I savor sightings of cardinals and chubby snowflakes. Gone is the muttering about barren, skinny trees and steel gray sky. This is a cornucopia of earthly delights compared with the medical building that stared back at me from the hospital bed I occupied the other week (and could occupy again any time).
10. I relish my babys increasingly zealous kick-boxing because I know hes well and happy, and that matters more than anything.
11. Forget any worries that my new husband loves me conditionallyfor the sex, or how I take care of business around the house, for my fanatical energy, or for my lithe body. These are a distant memory and still he treats me like his bride.
12. No doubts left about how hell handle Real Life with me. As our honeymoon giddiness has been replaced by his holding me from 3 to 5 a.m. while I await crisis-level bleeding, as well as preparing my meals and cleaning up after me, weve cruised seamlessly through a decades worth of marital developmental stages in less than a year.
13. Improbably, he still makes me feel like a honeymooner, despite my girth, exhaustion and periodic fear. Curling up together on Bed Rest Central beats a night at a Parisian café with a new lover. I feel this exquisite bittersweet appreciation of each moment we spend together thats intensified by the knowledge that a hospital bed may beckon at any moment.
14. I am finally ready to have my baby. All this lying around finally put a stop to my obsessive worries about handling the transition to motherhood, leaving in its wake the searing desire to get on with toughening up my nipples and changing diapers for the kick-boxer Im carrying.
15. Im actually looking forward to being liberated by childbirth. While my fellow expectant mothers anticipate losing mobility and independence, I cant wait to be off bed rest and carry my baby and his hundreds of accoutrements through the house and out into the world. Ill be free!
Laurie Krauth is a psychotherapist and writer in Ann Arbor, Michigan, whose complete placenta previa required that the last month of pregnancy be spent at Bed Rest Central. She has a healthy, delicious seven-month-old boy.

I will be 29 weeks on Sunday! YEAH!!!! I've had a few more contractions today than I have been having but everything seems to still be fine. I think I just need to keep my feet up a bit more. Don't worry, I'll be good. :o)


  1. I love the post. Such creative idea of play. Love the flyswatter. I used to play a flyswatter vocabulary game with my students. :) The pictures are so cute. I love the shoes...
    I enjoyed the pics of Bekah on Aunt Jenn's blog. They are adorable as well. I enjoyed the 15 BeD Rest Central quotes. Cute.

  2. Oh, good job on the socks. :) They're cute. I need to be re-taught. Grandma Della taught me once-upon-a-time.
    I wanted to tell you to go to my blog and look at my new title graphic. I think it's cute. I worked on it last night.

  3. Loved the post -- got some inspiration for my next two flairs.

    I love the story about the lady who turned her own heartbreak into an opportunity to serve others! I have another hero. :)

    And those are very impressive socks -- well done!

  4. Dearest Sarah,
    I know you may not like thinking of the past, but all I could think of during my pregnancies on the couch, you and your sister! I would just sit and think about you and I started stitching your baby quilt, the one I finished for Bekah! Only took another 26 years . . . Even april kane asked about it! I just told her I finished it for you by cutting off the offending edges and binding them. I think of you so much and hope that little stays put, it's about the only thing in your life that ever made you sit still longer than reading, love nana
