Friday, July 18, 2008

Hartstone: Family Camp 2

Bekah and Mommy sit out during the balloon slingshot toss.

Lilly joins us so Jen can get some pictures.

Most of the food at camp was not Bekah's favorite (salad, meat, fruit). However, the cookies were a different matter. Yum!

More! More!

Our family

My favorite picture.

The evening time as the sun sets and things really slow down is so relaxing.

My Aunt Jen, Uncle Scott, and cousins Johny, Catie and Michelle served in the kitchen. Boy can they cook! Thanks guys.

Am I cute or what?

Hanging out by the fire.

I have hardly any family photo's, so I twisted some arms and got a few pic's.

This was our cute little cabin that we shared with the Writebol's. The little cabin is split into two. We had two really comfy beds, a desk, chair and light, a rocking chair, carpet and curtains. It was wonderful. Not quite sound proof, but wonderful non the less. We spent lots of time hanging out on the front porch just talking and relaxing.

Our cabin's name.

I had lots of fun swinging on the rope swing. Good thing my belly isn't too big yet. Bekah had fun on it tool

Bekah enjoyed playing in the sand.


  1. Awe, those were so fun. I really like the last few pics of Bekah. They're so pretty.

  2. Looks like a lot of fun!

  3. Great pictures! Great neighbors!
