Monday, June 30, 2008

Salmon Creek Beach

Someone built a really cool fort. It was made in a circle and very wind proof. The sand inside had been dug way down so it was warm and still inside. Very nice for warming up.

The hole the kids dug fit Bekah nicely.

The cousins enjoyed spending time together.

Jessie at the "fort".

Jeremy and Jessie play together.

Bekah getting sand flung on her.

It was sooo windy at the beach. The kids didn't mind that much but it got cold after a bit.

After the beach we stopped at Screaming Mimi's Icecream shop in Sebastapol. They have the best icecream that they make right there. The kids loved it.

Jessie-6 years old

Bekah - 19 months

Jeremy - 10 years old


  1. Thanks for sharing. I miss the beach...

  2. I agree with Megan, thank you for the beach pictures. Going to the beach at the lake is similar to the ocean (since it is so big), but at the same time it is so different and I miss the real beach!

  3. Looks like a fun outing. Bekah looks like such a big girl with her cousins.
