Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Bekah's new Pool

We got a new pool for Bekah. This week end it was finally hot enough to try out. This is the slide that she was trying out.

Chase came down to play. They were so cute. Bekah tried holding his hand and pulling him over to the slide. Only thing is that he can barely walk with someone holding two hands. She ended up bringing him the ball and trying to play catch.

We put some warm water in the pool and let her play. At first she cried, but after seeing mommy playing in it and having fun she jumped in. Now she loves it. More pictures to come.


  1. The second pic from the bottom makes me laugh. Oh, she's so adorable.

  2. Opps - that was Steph - not Jeremy

  3. Love the pony tails! Little kids and little pools -- what a wonderful combination! :)
