Friday, December 28, 2007

It's Christmas!!

Our best Christmas present came the day after Christmas. My sister Megan had a beautiful baby girl. She was born by C-section on December 26th after a failed version to turn the baby. Baby Taeya is 5 lbs, 14 oz and is just so sweet. We are very blessed to have a new addition to our family. You can see pictures of Taeya, mommy Megan and daddy Phil on their blog.

Jeremy read the Christmas story before we opened presents.

Jessie sits with Bekah to listen to the Christmas story.

Brittany, Jeremy, Jessie and Bekah-such sweet cousins.

Brittany got a new cell phone and was overwhelmed.

A moment with Grandmom.

Grandpop hands out presents.

Jeff and Christi

Jeremy makes faces.

Brittany and Sarah.

Daddy shows Bekah her new books from Auntie Megan and Uncle Phil.

Her favorite present was little stacking cups.

Our Christmas Tree

Nana Laurie helps Bekah with her new jack in the box.


  1. It looks like you had a great Christmas! Steven pretty much slept through it this year, except for the Christmas Eve service--he was awake the entire time and just stared at the lights.

    Also, have a great birthday today! (And tell Chris I said happy birthday for tomorrow too!)

  2. Happy Birthday -hope it was a super day! Looks like a wonderful Christmas! We will see you soon! Congrats on being an aunt!

  3. Thanks for the sweet paragraph about Taeya. I'm glad you had a nice Christmas. I love the pictures of Bekah. She looks so much older with her haircut. She was definitely an active part of Christmas this year.

  4. Happy Birthday!!

    Looks like Christmas morning was a lot of fun for everyone.:)
